






4300 Noble Street at Waco, Houston, Texas 77020  |  (713) 675-5111  |  staff@fwmbc.org

4300 Noble Street at Waco, Houston, Texas 77020

(713) 675-5111 | staff@fwmbc.org

3rd Pastoral Appreciation Celebration FWMBC 2019

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[responsivevoice voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Listen to this / click again to stop”]From the Servants Heart

It is with a humble heart that I write you today. I want to begin with an attempt to express my sincere gratitude, first to God for all of His blessings, tremendous grace, and everlasting mercy. Secondly to those that He allowed me to serve during my assignment here as pastor of this great church. Many people are blessed with good jobs, but I’m blessed with an awesome calling. God has called me with a Holy calling to do a great work in His name. During my tenure here I have experienced both joys, and struggles. My faith in God has been my strength. I have been blessed by His favor, and surrounded by His love.

Reflection is a powerful tool that allowed us to see how far we have come. It also serves a reminder that we can’t become complacent because we still have much more work to do. I thank God for the vision He has given me for the church, LOVE,HOPE, and HEALING: MATTHEW 25 Verses 35-40.

Also Fifth Ward Baptist Family those of you who have become partners of the vision, I say thank you, Working together we have accomplished great things in the name of our Lord and Savior. Spiritually which is the most important, but also physically and financially we have seen increase. I find joy in 1 Corinthians 2:9; But as it is written: “ Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for then that Love Him”

Now in this upcoming year I propose a challenge to myself and the members of the Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church Family to more faithful to the things of God. This means in your ministries, service, giving, attendance, and worship. My desire for you all is that you develop a strong prayer life, become more studious in the Word of God, walk by faith, and live our your ministry daily. God said in I Peter 1:16 “ Be holy, for I am holy.” Remember we must separate ourselves from some things in order to move closer to the Lord. Thanks again for two incredible years. I love you all with the Love of Christ!.

Your Humble Servant in Christ!
